About NICB

Who We Are

Our History

With a 110-year heritage, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) is the nation's premier not-for-profit organization dedicated exclusively to fighting insurance fraud and crime.

NICB Museum

NICB was formed in 1992 from a merger between the National Automobile Theft Bureau (NATB) and the Insurance Crime Prevention Institute (ICPI), both of which were not-for-profit organizations. The NATB, which managed vehicle theft investigations and developed vehicle theft databases for use by the insurance industry, dates to the early 20th century. The ICPI investigated insurance fraud for approximately 20 years before joining with the NATB to form the present National Insurance Crime Bureau.

NICB is committed to advancing the values of diversity and inclusion.

Our Mission

Through intelligence-driven operations, NICB leads a united effort to combat and prevent insurance crime.

Our Vision

To be the preeminent organization fighting insurance crime.

Our Members

NICB membership includes more than 1,200 property-casualty insurance companies, vehicle rental companies, auto auctions, vehicle finance companies, self-insured organizations and strategic partners.

Beyond our membership, our nearly 400 employees work with law enforcement agencies, technology experts, government officials, prosecutors, international crime-fighting organizations and the public to lead a united effort to prevent and combat insurance fraud and crime.

Our Core Pillars

Decades of collaborative expertise is the foundation of NICB’s business model, which guides our efforts in the fight against insurance fraud. This business model allows us to adapt to changing market conditions and stay ahead of criminals. It is based on these pillars:

  1. Intelligence, Analytics, and Operations | Using Big Data and various intelligence sources, the association will identify risks for members and anticipate emerging threats.
  2. Education and Crime Prevention | The Education and Crime Prevention function develops curriculum and manages advanced intelligence training academies for law enforcement officers, investigators, and intelligence analysts. NICB has well-established learning and development programs, and we will augment the curriculum and career path training to align with best practices learned from government intelligence agencies and other private sector industries and associations.
  3. Strategy, Policy, and Advocacy | As an organization that advocates for issues that affect the industry, NICB will have a robust policy department that can identify trends and define the association’s official position on a variety of rules, regulations, and legislation. The NICB will communicate and advocate with key stakeholders in federal, state, and local governments, regulatory bodies, insurance commissions, the media, and the general public.

Our Value

NICB is the only organization in the United States that convenes the collective resources needed to help prevent, detect, investigate and deter insurance fraud and vehicle theft crimes.