Celeste Dodson

Ms. Dodson is President of the International Association of Special Investigation Units (IASIU). She became an Advisor to the NICB Board of Governors in 2020.
As IASIU president, Ms. Dodson leads the 4,000 member international organization focused on advancing excellence in the insurance fraud fighting community through education, training, awareness, and connection. She is also a Regional SIU Manager with State Farm Insurance with over 25 years of experience managing and leading SIU operations throughout the country, including building and leading large national SIU operations. In addition to her SIU experience, she has led large complex claims and underwriting operations.
Ms. Dodson has earned both her CPCU and FCLA designations, her BS in Criminology from Florida State University, and MBA from Villanova University, where she was awarded the Bartley Medallion. She also currently serves as secretary of the Pennsylvania Auto Theft Council’s Board of Directors and as advisor on the executive board of the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud.