Jeremy T. Connor

Jeremy Connor is vice president of Government Employees Insurance Company (GEICO) with responsibility for the company’s first-party medical claims operations, as well as special investigations unit operations (SIU). Prior to taking on his current duties in 2022, Connor served as regional vice president of GEICO’s Woodbury, New York, regional office with oversight responsibilities for New York insurance operations.
Before that, Connor was regional vice president of GEICO’s Buffalo, New York, regional office since 2018, where he oversaw insurance operations for New England and New Jersey. Connor started his GEICO career in November 1995 as a part-time claims information center associate in the company’s Woodbury, New York, regional office. He later transitioned to a full-time role as a claims service representative, and from there he progressed through several roles within GEICO’s liability claims division before becoming a claims supervisor and relocating to the company’s newly opened operating location in Tucson, Arizona.
Connor subsequently supervised telephone claims representatives before moving to Buffalo, New York, following the opening of that operating location in 2004. There, he helped establish the claims department, and moved on to manage complex bodily injury claims. Connor moved back to Woodbury, New York, in 2007 to manage regional planning and operations, and in 2008, he became regional liability claims director there.